With no one looking, Fidelity chief moves family firm, riches
In New Hampshire we trust

By Greg Turner
published Apr 04, 2011; The Boston Herald
permanent link: http://bostonherald.com/business/general/view.bg?articleid=1328151

The prestigious and influencial magazine, Institutional Investor in its July 17, 2007 publication has highlighted the evolving and important role of New Hampshire Trusts in wealth management. View Original Article (Online subscribers)

Wealth Management - In New Hampshire We Trust
The Granite State is Looking to attract personal trust assets

By Annie Field
published July 16, 2007; Institutional Investor Magazine
NOTE: You must be a Institutional Investor subscriber to view this article
permanent link: http://iimagazine.com/article.aspx?articleID=1394497

States Court Family-Trust Business
Legislatures Race to Add Incentives to Capitalize
On Growing Interest in Protecting Assets for Heirs

By Rachel Emma Silverman
published June 22, 2006; Page D1; the Wall Street Journal
NOTE: You must be a WSJ online subscriber to view this article
permanent link: http://online.wsj.com/article_print/SB115093513991986995.html

States are competing for a piece of the booming personal-trust business, and that's encouraging wealthy individuals interested in passing assets to their heirs to shop around for the most favorable state trust laws.

A growing number of states have been revising their trust codes in recent years to add features, some of which were previously available only in exotic offshore locales. In some states, trusts are exempt from state income taxes, allowing the assets to grow state-tax free for years.   View Original Article (WSJ Online subscribers)

In New Hampshire We Trust?
Reported by Laura Knoy on Thursday, June 8, 2006
from www.nhpr.org, permanent link: http://www.nhpr.org/node/10953

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Legislation has passed both the House and Senate and is waiting approval from Governor Lynch that would change New Hampshire's trust laws in an attempt to make the Granite State the premier place to locate both trusts and trust companies from out of state. We'll talk about what the Trust Modernization and Competitiveness Act intends to do, what that means for the regular Joe or Jane and why New Hampshire has been picked to top the list when it comes to trust law. Laura's guests are Peter Hildreth, Commissioner for the State of New Hampshire Banking Department, who worked closely with the legislature on this bill, Susan Leahy, an estate planning and trust attorney at the McLane law firm, and Bill Ardinger, Attorney with Rath, Young and Pignatelli. Ardinger is also their Treasurer and heads up the Tax Practice Group and represented the Trust New Hampshire First group before the legislature in regards to this legislation. We'll also hear from Tom Fahey, State House Bureau Chief for the New Hampshire Union Leader, John Duncan, a Chicago-based attorney who helped draft the initial legislation for the Trust Modernization and Competitiveness Act, and Robert Sitkoff, Professor of Law at New York University School of Law. Sitkoff co-authored a study on the competitiveness of states in terms of trust funds.   View Original Article

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